You just don't know when to give up, do you? Knuckles: What are you talking about? That Emerald's mine! You got that? The Master Emerald contains special powers that neutralize the energy of the Chaos Emeralds. Soldier: Don't move! Stay were you are! Keep your hands up in the air. I'm the world's ultimate life form! There's no time for games.farewell.

He must be using the Chaos Emerald to warp! Shadow: My name is Shadow. Chaos Emerald! Now I know what's going on! The military has mistaken me for the likes of you! So.where do you think you're going with that Emerald!? Say something! You fake hedgehog! Shadow: Chaos Control! Sonic: Wow.he's fast! Hey, it's not his speed. Shadow: It all starts with this.A jewel containing the ultimate power. I'm outta here! I like running better! Yeah! Big Foot Arrives Sonic: This game of tag is boring! I'm outta here! (Big Foot appears) Ha! finally decided to show up, eh? Okay, bring it on! After defeating Big Foot Sonic: What?

Control Tower Associate: What's wrong! Come in, over! Pilot: What in the world!? Freeze! What do you think you're doing!? Get that hedgehog! Sonic: Talk about low budget flights, no food or movies. What?! Control Tower Associate: Didn't copy that, over! Pilot: The hedgehog's gone, he's taken out everyone aboard and. Report cargo status of captured hedgehog aboard, over! Pilot: That's a 10-4. Control Tower Associate: This is control tower. Pilot: We're en route, everything's a go. Soldier: Sigma-Alpha 2 heading due south over the city. This is the script of the Hero storyline in Sonic Adventure 2.